Our Services

MIRA offers the following services to support its Clients and quotes for all services are available on a case by case basis.

Customized Presentations

Customized Presentations delivered to your company or group covering specific business opportunities and challenges in any of the strategic markets of focus or specific issues in the international trade arena. The Presentations are tailored to your firm’s needs and delivered by Mr. Hough or his Associates to address your particular  interests.

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Research Studies

MIRA has the capacity to conduct significant international market research and analysis studies to meet your strategic planning needs. Through our network of Associates and collaborators we can address your strategic questions and develop market entry strategies and tactics that you can count on. MIRA has conducted research and analysis work for such organizations as Algonquin College, Industry Canada, Global Affairs Canada, Export Development Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development and a host of private sector exporters and investors. Markets of focus have included China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam and South Africa but other major markets can be considered as well.

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Tailored Market Intelligence

Tailored Advice will be provided to Clients  in response to specific questions that they  may have on issues in doing business in strategic markets and the international trade arena. This powerful advice will be provided by Mr. Hough who will draw on his Associates where applicable.  Mr. Hough’s associates have a wealth of specialized knowledge and contacts. They can also offer a wide range of support including business culture training, market research and market visit support.

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About Us

About Us

Drawing on Marvin Hough’s 30+ years of expertise and his wide international network, Marvin Hough International Research & Analysis Limited (MIRA) was created to support Canadian and other international companies in effectively doing business in strategic international markets, including India, China, Brazil and Mexico.

Founded in 2009 in Ottawa, Ontario, MIRA brings its clients a wealth of current international market insight on topical and timely issues impacting international business executives today.

From ongoing assessments and presentations of market opportunities and challenges, to executive insight interviews highlighting best practices, to tailored advice on issues, MIRA helps Canadian companies gain the understanding they need to succeed in doing business in strategic markets.

Take your international business to the next level with strategic market intelligence


I have always been impressed by Marvin's ability to take a macro approach while simultaneously always being aware of the local-differentiated micro conditions thanks to his ability to listen and learn, drawing on his networks and knowledge established over many years.

Peter MacArthur
Ambassador of Canada, Indonesia
The services Marvin Hough offers are of real value to companies and trade facilitators who pursue business in important markets like China, Brazil, India and Mexico. I know that he follows the business conditions in these strategic markets very closely and maintains a wide network of valuable contacts.

Tony Gostling
Principal Consultant and Founder, GSG Xinde Inc.
Marvin has a long history of facilitating trade with key markets such as India, China, Mexico and Brazil through his work with EDC and his consulting and I am happy to collaborate with him on the Brazilian market.

Paola Saad
President Mandala Group and President Brazil - Canada Chamber of Commerce

The Power of Good Advice for Your International Business

Marvin Hough International Research and Analysis Limited

Marvin Hough

Marvin Hough established Marvin Hough International Research & Analysis Ltd (MIRA) in 2009 to assist Canadian and international companies and trade facilitators in navigating in international markets. He has a long history in supporting Canadian companies in international markets through 30 years of service with Export Development Canada (EDC), Canada’s official export credit agency. He continues to draw on his extensive international experience and his various Associates while serving MIRA’s clients who include exporters, trade facilitators and business schools.

Mr. Hough held positions within the full spectrum of EDC’s programs including export financing, credit insurance, domestic business development and international business development. Over the years, he has helped to guide and facilitate business for hundreds of Canadian firms in the international marketplace and has held assignments in Ottawa, Vancouver, Toronto, New Delhi, Beijing and Mexico City.

In Asia, Mr. Hough managed EDC’s financing operations in both the South Asia and Pacific North Asia regions. He also served a four-year interchange assignment with the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade where he was a Senior Trade Commissioner in New Delhi, India. In 1999, Mr. Hough helped EDC to establish its first international representation in Asia which was set up in in Beijing.

On the Latin American front, Mr. Hough was EDC’s first Chief Representative for Mexico, based in Mexico City and played a key role in growing EDC’s portfolio in the Mexico and Central America region. Following his assignment in Mexico, Mr. Hough assumed the role of Regional Vice-President for Latin America where he oversaw business development throughout the entire region including EDC’s offices in Brazil.

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