Samantha Kussmann


Take your international business to the next level with support from the experts

Samantha Kussmann

 CSR-P Trainer


Samantha is an international trade professional with 4 years of experience working mainly within the agricultural, textile, business services and fair-trade sectors. After achieving her Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, and later achieving a Post Graduate in Global Business Management, she began her career immersed in multicultural environments. She has lived in Granada Spain, and Dar es Salaam Tanzania, and has worked with the Peruvian Ministry of Trade and Tourism for 3 years as a Trade Coordinator at their foreign mission in Toronto, ON. Her experience working with these countries is complimented by experience coordinating both inbound and outbound trade missions, B2B meetings, trade shows and seminars to facilitate investment and trade opportunities. She is knowledgeable of the Canadian import market and is thorough when conducting situational analyses of foreign markets and company’s export-readiness. In addition, she has worked with the Croatian and Estonian Chambers of Commerce to connect delegations with suitable Canadian counterparts for both direct and indirect market access. She was formerly the Co-President for the Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT)-Toronto Chapter, before moving to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to work on the GAC funded Tanzanian Local Enterprise Development (TLED) Project as a Business Lead Advisor.

Currently completing her accreditation to become a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP), granted by the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT), she is an associate for MIRA Services offering her expertise to Canadian businesses wishing to enter the East African, Peruvian, Croatian, Estonian and Spanish markets.

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